> On Apr 25, 2018, at 1:31 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> writes:
>> On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 3:44 PM, Mark Dilger <hornschnor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> There still seems to be a lot of boilerplate in the .dat files
>>> that could be eliminated. ...
>>> {... typname => 'X', ... typinput => 'Xin', typoutput => 'Xout',
>>> typreceive => 'Xrecv', typsend => 'Xsend', ... },
>> -1 for trying to automate this.  It varies between fooin and foo_in,
>> and it'll be annoying to have to remember which one happens
>> automatically and which one needs an override.
> Yeah, that was my first reaction to that example as well.  If it
> weren't so nearly fifty-fifty then we might have more traction there;
> but it's pretty close, and actually the foo_in cases outnumber fooin
> if I counted correctly.  (Array entries should be ignored for this
> purpose; maybe we'll autogenerate them someday.)

Part of the problem right now is that nothing really encourages new
functions to be named foo_in vs. fooin, so the nearly 50/50 split will
continue when new code is contributed.  If the system forced you to
specify the name when you did it in a nonstandard way, and not otherwise,
that would have the effect of documenting which way is now considered

>>> +       text            prosrc BKI_DEFAULT("${proname}") BKI_FORCE_NOT_NULL;
>> That one I kinda like.
> Agreed, this seems more compelling.  However, I think we need more than
> one compelling example to justify the additional infrastructure.

I'll look for more.

>  There
> aren't that many places where there's obvious internal redundancy in
> single catalog rows, so I'm not sure that we're going to find a lot of win
> here.  (The prosrc-from-proname case, in isolation, could be handled about
> as well by adding a hardwired rule like we have for pronargs.)

Right, but doing that in genbki.pl or Catalog.pm is an obfuscation.  Doing
it in pg_proc.h makes is much more reasonable, I think.  Note that my
patch does not hardcode the logic in the perl code.  It teaches the perl
code how to do variable substitution, but then allows the actual rules
for each row to be written in the header file itself.

> I don't especially like the idea of trying to compute, for instance,
> typalign from typlen.  That's mostly going to encourage people to overlook
> it, which isn't a good thing, because there are plenty of places where
> genbki.pl couldn't be expected to get it right.

Well, it wouldn't be in genbki.pl, it would be in pg_type.h, but I take
your broader point that you don't want this calculated.

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