Thanks for looking at this. I've taken most of your suggestions, some
I had changed around as a result of Amit's review.

On 7 May 2018 at 15:34, Justin Pryzby <> wrote:
> +       During actual execution of the query plan.  Partition pruning may also
> Remove "actual" ?

I left this out one. I imagined it would be common to think of
executor startup/execution/execution shutdown as "query execution",
but I really only mean during the middle of those three things.  If
you can think of a better way to make that more clear, then it might
be worth considering. For now, I think removing "actual" won't help.

A patch will follow shortly, in response to Amit's review.

 David Rowley         
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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