On Fri, Mar 03, 2023 at 11:13:36PM +0100, Daniel Gustafsson wrote:
> That would indeed be nice, but is there a way to do this without a complicated
> pump TAP expression?  I was unable to think of a way but I might be missing
> something?

A SET command refreshes immediately the cache information of the
connection in pqSaveParameterStatus()@libpq, so a test in password.sql
with \password would be enough to check the computation happens in
pg_fe_scram_build_secret() with the correct iteration number.  Say
=# SET scram_iterations = 234;
=# \password
Enter new password for user "postgres": TYPEME 
Enter it again: TYPEME
=# select substr(rolpassword, 1, 18) from pg_authid
     where oid::regrole::name = current_role;
(1 row)

Or perhaps I am missing something?


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