On Sun, Apr 02, 2023 at 01:40:05PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> I took a brief look through v20, and generally liked what I saw,
> but there are a few things troubling me:

Thanks for taking a look.

> * The comments for CustodianEnqueueTask claim that it won't enqueue an
> already-queued task, but I don't think I believe that, because it stops
> scanning as soon as it finds an empty slot.  That data structure seems
> quite oddly designed in any case.  Why isn't it simply an array of
> need-to-run-this-one booleans indexed by the CustodianTask enum?
> Fairness of dispatch could be ensured by the same state variable that
> CustodianGetNextTask already uses to track which array element to
> inspect next.  While that wouldn't guarantee that tasks A and B are
> dispatched in the same order they were requested in, I'm not sure why
> we should care.

That works.  Will update.

> * I don't much like cust_lck, mainly because you didn't bother to
> document what it protects (in general, CustodianShmemStruct deserves
> more than zero commentary).  Do we need it at all?  If the task-needed
> flags were sig_atomic_t not bool, we probably don't need it for the
> basic job of tracking which tasks remain to be run.  I see that some
> of the tasks have possibly-non-atomically-assigned parameters to be
> transmitted, but restricting cust_lck to protect those seems like a
> better idea.

Will do.

> * Not quite convinced about handle_arg_func, mainly because the Datum
> API would be pretty inconvenient for any task with more than one arg.
> Why do we need that at all, rather than saying that callers should
> set up any required parameters separately before invoking
> RequestCustodian?

I had done it this way earlier, but added the Datum argument based on
feedback upthread [0].  It presently has only one proposed use, anyway, so
I think it would be fine to switch it back for now.

> * Why does LookupCustodianFunctions think it needs to search the
> constant array?

The order of the tasks in the array isn't guaranteed to match the order in
the CustodianTask enum.

> * The original proposal included moving RemovePgTempFiles into this
> mechanism, which I thought was probably the most useful bit of the
> whole thing.  I'm sad to see that gone, what became of it?

I postponed that based on advice from upthread [1].  I was hoping to start
a dedicated thread for that immediately after the custodian infrastructure
was committed.  FWIW I agree that it's the most useful task of what's
proposed thus far.

[0] https://postgr.es/m/20220703172732.wembjsb55xl63vuw%40awork3.anarazel.de

Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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