On Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 05:15:29PM -0500, Justin Pryzby wrote:
> The first attachment fixes for typos in user-facing docs new in v16,
> combining Thom's changes with the ones that I'd found.  If that's
> confusing, I'll resend my patches separately.
> The other four numbered patches could use extra review.

In v16-typos.diff..

-        <literal>buffered</literal>, the decoding will stream or serialize
+        <literal>buffered</literal>, decoding will stream or serialize

The could be referred as "the decoding context", as well?

-   not starting with a <literal>.</literal> and ending with
-   <literal>.conf</literal> will be included. Multiple files within an include
+   ending with <literal>.conf</literal> and not starting with a 
+   will be included. Multiple files within an include

In 0001..  Not sure that this is an improvement, switching the
starting and ending parts.

-   include records. These records only contain two fields:
+   include directives. Include directives only contain two fields:
-   included. The file or directory can be a relative of absolute path, and can
+   included. The file or directory can be a relative or absolute path, and can

Yep, indeed.

We've discussed quite a lot about the current wording that 0004 aims
to change, FWIW.

I have applied a first batch of fixes that relate to the areas
introduced by myself, plus a few extras.  The changes for
pg_log_standby_snapshot() mostly left out for now (except one simple
change in logicaldecoding.sgml).

Most of the changes in 0002 and 0003 seem rather OK at quick glance,
but perhaps their respective authors would like to weigh in.

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