Thomas Munro <> writes:
> This came up with the CI image:

BTW, after re-reading that thread, I think the significant
difference is that these FreeBSD images don't force you to
select a timezone during setup, unlike what I recall seeing
when installing x86_64 FreeBSD.  You're not forced to run
bsdconfig at all, and even if you do it doesn't make you
enter the sub-menu where you can pick a timezone.  I recall
that I did do that while setting mine up, but I'll bet
Tomas skipped it.  I'm not sure at this point whether FreeBSD
changed behavior since 13.x, or this is a difference between
their preferred installation processes for x86 vs. ARM.
But in any case, it's clearly easier to get into the
no-/etc/localtime state with these systems than I thought

                        regards, tom lane

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