
> Under Meson, it is not very easy to see if TAP tests have been enabled
> or disabled, if you rely on the default auto setting.  You either need
> to carefully study the meson setup output, or you notice, what a minute,
> didn't there use to be like 250 tests, not only 80?
> I think it would be better if we still registered the TAP tests in Meson
> even if the tap_tests option is disabled, but with a dummy command that
> registers them as skipped.  That way you get a more informative output like
> Ok:                 78
> Expected Fail:      0
> Fail:               0
> Unexpected Pass:    0
> Skipped:            187
> Timeout:            0
> which is really a more accurate representation of what the test run
> actually accomplished than "everything Ok".
> See attached patch for a possible implementation.  (This uses perl as a
> hard build requirement.  We are planning to do that anyway, but
> obviously other implementations, such as using python, would also be
> possible.)

I tested the patch and it works as intended.

Personally I like the change. It makes the output more explicit. In my
use cases not running TAP tests typically is not something I want . So
I would appreciate being warned with a long list of bright yellow
"SKIP" messages. If I really want to skip TAP tests these messages are
just informative and don't bother me.


Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

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