
* Bruce Momjian ( wrote:
> On Mon, Nov  6, 2023 at 09:56:37AM -0500, Stephen Frost wrote:
> > The gist is, without a suggestion of things to try, we're left
> > to our own devices to try and figure out things which might be
> > successful, only to have those turned down too when we come back with
> > them, see [1] for what feels like an example of this.  Given your
> > feedback overall, which I'm very thankful for, I'm hopeful that you see
> > that this is, indeed, a useful feature that people are asking for and
> > therefore are willing to spend some time on it, but if the feedback is
> > that nothing on the page is acceptable to use for the nonce, we can't
> > put the nonce somewhere else, and we can't change the page format, then
> > everything else is just moving deck chairs around on the titanic that
> > has been this effort.
> Yeah, I know the feeling, though I thought XTS was immune enough to
> nonce/LSN reuse that it was acceptable.

Ultimately it depends on the attack vector you're trying to address, but
generally, I think you're right about the XTS tweak reuse not being that
big of a deal.  XTS isn't CTR or GCM.

With FDE (full disk encryption) you're expecting the attacker to steal
the physical laptop, hard drive, etc, generally, and so the downside of
using the same tweak with XTS over and over again isn't that bad (and is
what most FDE solutions do, aiui, by simply using the sector number; we
could do something similar to that by using the relfilenode + block
number) because that re-use is a problem if the attacker is able to see
multiple copies of the same block over time where the block has been
encrypted with different data but the same key and tweak.

Using the LSN actually is better than what the FDE solutions do because
the LSN varies much more often than the sector number.  Sure, it doesn't
change with every write and maybe an attacker could glean something from
that, but that's quite narrow.  The downside from the LSN based approach
with XTS is probably more that using the LSN means that we can't encrypt
the LSN itself and that is a leak too- but then again, we leak that
through the simple WAL filenames too, to some extent, so it doesn't
strike me as a huge issue.

XTS as a block cipher doesn't suffer from the IV-reuse issue that you
have with streaming ciphers where the same key+IV and different data
leads to being able to trivally retrive the plaintext though and I worry
that maybe that's what people were thinking.

The README and comments I don't think were terribly clear on this and I
think may have even been from back when CTR was being considered, where
IV reuse would have resulted in plaintext being trivially available.

> What got me sunk on the feature was the complexity of adding temporary
> file encryption support and that tipped the scales in the negative for
> me in community value of the feature vs. added complexity. (Yeah, I used
> a Titanic reference in the last sentence. ;-) )  However, I am open to
> the community value and complexity values changing over time.  My blog
> post on the topic:

We do need to address the temporary file situation too and we do have a
bit of an issue that how we deal with temporary files today in PG isn't
very consistent and there's too many ways to do that.  There's a patch
that works on that, though it has some bitrot that we're working on
addressing currently.

There is value in simply fixing that situation wrt temporary file
management independent of encryption, though of course then encryption
of those temporary files becomes much simpler.



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