On 29/04/2024 20:10, Ranier Vilela wrote:

With TLS 1.3 and others there is possibly a security flaw using ALPN [1].

It seems to me that the ALPN protocol can be bypassed if the client does not correctly inform the ClientHello header.

So, the suggestion is to check the ClientHello header in the server and
terminate the TLS handshake early.

Sounds to me like it's working as designed. ALPN in general is optional; if the client doesn't request it, then you proceed without it. We do require ALPN for direct SSL connections though. We can, because direct SSL connections is a new feature in Postgres. But we cannot require it for the connections negotiated with SSLRequest, or we break compatibility with old clients that don't use ALPN.

There is a check in direct SSL mode that ALPN was used (ProcessSSLStartup in backend_startup.c):

        if (!port->alpn_used)
                                 errmsg("received direct SSL connection request 
without ALPN protocol negotiation extension")));
                goto reject;

That happens immediately after the SSL connection has been established.

Hmm. I guess it would be better to abort the connection earlier, without completing the TLS handshake. Otherwise the client might send the first message in wrong protocol to the PostgreSQL server. That's not a security issue for the PostgreSQL server: the server disconnects without reading the message. And I don't see any way for an ALPACA attack when the server ignores the client's message. Nevertheless, from the point of view of keeping the attack surface as small as possible, aborting earlier seems better.

Heikki Linnakangas
Neon (https://neon.tech)

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