I tried to initialize a table with values for smallint columns.

The final goal is to get mask values for logical operations.

The insert failed with ERROR: smallint out of range.

the same occurs when using a simple select statement like:

select -32768::smallint;
select -2147483648::int;
select -9223372036854775808::bigint;

These limit values are taken from the documentation 8.1.1 Integer Types

This occurs on PG16.2 on Windows or Linux (64bit).

This prevents me to enter the binary value 0b10000000_00000000 into a smallint 
(I could use some other tricks, but this is ugly!)


postgres=# select version ();
 PostgreSQL 16.2 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 14.0.1 20240411 
(Red Hat 14.0.1-0), 64-bit
(1 Zeile)

postgres=# select -32768::smallint;
ERROR:  smallint out of range

Thank you for looking

Hans Buschmann

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