On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 3:05 PM, Sergei Kornilov <s...@zsrv.org> wrote:

> Hello
> Thank you for review!
> Well, i can miss some cases. I'm not sure about overall design of this
> patch. Is acceptable add errdetail_params to statement_timeout ereport in
> such way?
> After shutdown signal we must be in aborted state, so we mustn't call
> user-defined I/O functions. (quotation from comment to errdetail_params in
> src/backend/tcop/postgres.c ). It seems i can not fix it with current
> design.

No its not about calling the function after abort/shutdown. Just start the
server and try to run the program, most of the time you will not get

> > ERROR:  canceling statement due to lock timeout at character 13
> Hm, "at character"? How can we get this message? I found only "canceling
> statement due to lock timeout" (without "at character") ereport in
> src/backend/tcop/postgres.c
> Maybe try .. catch in parse state, not in execute?

Its really easy to reproduce, just lock the table form another session and
run a "c" program to insert row in the same table.

> regards, Sergei

Ibrar Ahmed

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