On 3/18/19 1:35 PM, David Rowley wrote:
On Fri, 15 Mar 2019 at 18:42, Edmund Horner <ejr...@gmail.com> wrote:

Subsequent commits will incrementally abstract table access
functionality to be routed through table access methods. That change
is too large to be reviewed & committed at once, so it'll be done

and looking at [1] I see patch 0004 introduces some changes in
nodeTidscan.c to call a new tableam API function named
heapam_fetch_row_version. I see this function does have a ItemPointer
argument, so I guess we must be keeping those as unique row
identifiers in the API.

Patch 0001 does change the signature of heap_setscanlimits() (appears
to be committed already), and then in 0010 the only code that calls
heap_setscanlimits() (IndexBuildHeapRangeScan()) is moved and renamed
to heapam_index_build_range_scan() and set to be called via the
index_build_range_scan TableAmRoutine method.  So it looks like out of
that patch series nothing is there to allow you to access
heap_setscanlimits() directly via the TableAmRoutine API, so perhaps
for this to work heap_setscanlimits will need to be interfaced,
however, I'm unsure if that'll violate any assumptions that Andres
wants to keep out of the API...  Andres?

Thoughts on this, Andres?


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