
On 2019-03-15 18:42:40 +1300, Edmund Horner wrote:
> I've had to adapt it to use the table scan API.  I've got it compiling
> and passing tests, but I'm uneasy about some things that still use the
> heapam API.
> 1. I call heap_setscanlimits as I'm not sure there is a tableam
> equivalent.

There used to be, but it wasn't clear that it was useful. In core pg the
only caller are index range scans, and those are - in a later patch in
the series - moved into the AM as well, as they need to deal with things
like HOT.

> 2. I'm not sure whether non-heap tableam implementations can also be
> supported by my TID Range Scan: we need to be able to set the scan
> limits.  There may not be any other implementations yet, but when
> there are, how do we stop the planner using a TID Range Scan for
> non-heap relations?

I've not yet looked through your code, but if required we'd probably
need to add a new tableam callback. It'd be marked optional, and the
planner could just check for its presence. A later part of the pluggable
storage series does that for bitmap scans, perhaps it's worth looking at

> 3. When fetching tuples, I see that nodeSeqscan.c uses
> table_scan_getnextslot, which saves dealing with HeapTuples.  But
> nodeTidrangescan wants to do some checking of the block and offset
> before returning the slot.  So I have it using heap_getnext and
> ExecStoreBufferHeapTuple.  Apart from being heapam-specific, it's just
> not as clean as the new API calls.

Yea, that's not ok.  Note that, since yesterday, nodeTidscan doesn't
call heap_fetch() anymore (there's still a heap dependency, but that's
just for heap_get_latest_tid(), which I'll move into execMain or such).

> Ideally, we can get to to support general tableam implementations
> rather than using heapam-specific calls.  Any advice on how to do
> this?

Not yet - could you perhaps look at the bitmap scan patch in the tableam
queue, and see if that gives you inspiration?

- Andres

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