
I noticed the tests for range types do this:

create table numrange_test2(nr numrange);
create index numrange_test2_hash_idx on numrange_test2 (nr);

Does that need a `using hash`? It seems like that's the intention. We
only use that table for equality comparisions. The script already
creates a table with a btree index further up. If I don't drop the
table I can see it's not a hash index:

regression=# \d numrange_test2
           Table "public.numrange_test2"
 Column |   Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default
 nr     | numrange |           |          |
    "numrange_test2_hash_idx" btree (nr)

Everything else passes if I change just that one line in the
{sql,expected} files.


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