вт, 11 февр. 2020 г. в 12:23, ROS Didier <didier....@edf.fr>:

> In the Oracle world we use the product "golden gate" to execute
> transactions from a source database (Oracle, Mysql) to a PostgreSQL
> instance.
> This allows 2 Oracle and PostgreSQL databases to be updated at the same
> time in real time.
> I would like to know if there is an equivalent open-source product.

There is a SQL/MED standard exactly for this:

Implemented in PostgreSQL as Foreign Data Wrappers:
You need to do the following:
1. Add wrapper via
2. Create remote source via
3. Create foreign table via

Note, that PostgreSQL provides only infrastructure, wrappers for different
remote systems are not supported by the PostgreSQL community,
except for postgres_fdw and csv_fdw provided by the project.

Victor Yegorov

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