On 02/11/20 07:51, Victor Yegorov wrote:
> вт, 11 февр. 2020 г. в 12:23, ROS Didier <didier....@edf.fr>:
>> In the Oracle world we use the product "golden gate" to execute
>> transactions from a source database (Oracle, Mysql) to a PostgreSQL
>> instance.
> Note, that PostgreSQL provides only infrastructure, wrappers for different
> remote systems are not supported by the PostgreSQL community,
> except for postgres_fdw and csv_fdw provided by the project.

I read the question as perhaps concerning the other direction, whether
there might be an open source foreign data wrapper installable in Oracle
for talking to PostgreSQL (which might, I suppose, also have a name like
"postgres_fdw", which helps explain the number of times I've rewritten
this sentence trying to make it unambiguous).


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