> From: Jose Luis Tallon <jltal...@adv-solutions.net>
> >      Musing some other date-related things I stumbled upon the thought
> > that naming the upcoming release PostgreSQL 20 might be preferrable to
> > the current/expected "PostgreSQL 13".
> +1
> Users can easily know how old/new the release is that they are using.
There are multiple pros and cons to this idea. There is an argument since
we are on annual releases that 20 makes sense, and (14) would be 21 etc...
However, there is a significant problem with that. Our annual releases are
a relatively new thing and I can definitely see a situation in the future
where we move back to non-annual releases to a more conservative timeline.
Further, the jump of the number is going to be seen as a marketing ploy and
if we are going to be doing marketing ploys, then we should have the new
feature set to back it up upon release.


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