Ok, thanks to our snowstorm :-0 I have been working on the beta 6 RPM situation
on my _slow_ notebook today (power outages for ten minutes at a time happening
at hour or so intervals due to 45mph+ winds and a foot of snow....).

Well, I have preliminary RPM's built -- just need to work on the contrib tree
situation.  I ran regression the usual RPM way (which I am fully aware is not
the normally approved method, but it _would_ be the method any RPM beta testers
would use), and got a different failure, one that is not locale related
(LC_ALL=C both for the initdb and the postmaster startup in the newest
initscript).  See attached regression.diffs for details of the temptest failure
I experienced.

Regression run with CWD=/usr/share/test/regress, user=postgres.
./pg_regress --schedule=parallel_schedule

This is the only regression test failure I have found thus far. I have never
seen this failure before, so I'm not sure where to proceed.

Now to attack the contrib tree (looking forward to my new notebook, as this old
P133 takes an hour and twenty minutes to slog through a full build....).

Seeing that RC1 is in prep, is there a pressing need to upload and release beta
6 RPM's, or will it be a day or two before RC1?
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11
*** ./expected/temp.out Sat Jan  8 22:48:39 2000
--- ./results/temp.out  Tue Mar 20 16:06:10 2001
*** 23,32 ****
  (1 row)
  DROP TABLE temptest;
  SELECT * FROM temptest;
!    1
  (1 row)
  DROP TABLE temptest;
--- 23,34 ----
  (1 row)
  DROP TABLE temptest;
+ NOTICE:  FlushRelationBuffers(temptest, 0): block 0 is referenced (private 0, global 
+ ERROR:  heap_drop_with_catalog: FlushRelationBuffers returned -2
  SELECT * FROM temptest;
!    2
  (1 row)
  DROP TABLE temptest;
*** 34,37 ****
  -- test temp table deletion
  \c regression
  SELECT * FROM temptest;
! ERROR:  Relation 'temptest' does not exist
--- 36,43 ----
  -- test temp table deletion
  \c regression
  SELECT * FROM temptest;
!  col 
! -----
!    1
! (1 row)


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