On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, Thomas Lockhart wrote:
> > I'll go ahead and upload the one I'm testing with right now if you'd like.
> Not necessary, unless (I suppose) that you know the rpm for beta 4 is
> broken. That vintage CVS tree behaved well enough for me try it out
> afaicr...

It's a good start to test with for the purposes for which I think you want to
test for.  (and I'm an English teacher by night -- argh).  Beta 6 changes a few
minor things and one major thing -- the minor things are:
- Separate libs package with requisite dependency redo
- Change in the initscript to use pg_ctl to (properly) stop postmaster (no
   kill -9's here this time :-))
- Change in the initscript to initdb with LC_ALL=C and to start postmaster 
    with LC_ALL=C as well.
- devel subpackage now uses make install-all-headers instead of cpp hack to
    pull in required headers for client and server development.

The major thing is going to be a build of the contrib tree and a contrib
subpackage -- the source will remain as part of the docs, but now that whole
set of useful files will be built out.  That is what I was beginning to do when
I stumbled across the regression failure that subsequently took the rest of the
afternoon to track.

Before final release I have a rewrite of the README to do, as well as a full
update of the migration scripts for testing.

I'm looking at /usr/lib/pgsql/contrib/* for the contrib stuff.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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