On 11/6/07, Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I understand your suggestions but it seems there would be too many
> individual items to be readable.  Can you suggest a full list so we can
> get an idea of how long it would be?

If the body of material on writing good Postgres code becomes so
comprehensive that it doesn't all fit on one page:

 a) I would see that as a positive!
 b) We can of course split it up into sub-articles.

I can't realistically suggest a "full list" since I am not an
experienced Postgres hacker.  But I would hope for, as a minimum:

 * the stuff about good GETARG style,
 * something about using ereport() effectively, and writing
localization-friendly messages,
 * some actual coding style guidelines.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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