Dave Page wrote:
Josh Berkus wrote:

Time for the annual update of this list:

Here's the list of people I gleaned from the release notes (btw, if people have countries for the folks who aren't attributed, I'd appreciate them). Of course, there are many contributors to essential non-core code who should be listed as well:

Hiroshi Saito has made a number of smaller but important contributions
this cycle.

Heikki is from Finland, but currently living in the UK.

You also missed my name despite it being attributed to 3 items in the
release notes, but I don't suppose that matters as I'm in the core
section anyway.

yeah well - the release notes do not make that good a reference on the "who submitted patches" question anyway because the do not contain stuff that are mere compile failures or add support for additional platforms/cleanups) of new features (ie my patches to add GSSAPI support to OpenBSD/Solaris or things full text command/tabcomplete support in psql). So in effect that list might more correctly be called a "feature contributor list"


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