Magnus Hagander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 09:47:15AM +0000, Peter Childs wrote:
>> Indeed the website still says we are on Beta 4. I did not even know RC1 was
>> out until I saw this thread this morning.

> RC1 isn't out. What's available on the ftp site is a preliminary version of
> it, that should not be used.

Eh?  On what do you base that statement?  RC1 is what it is, there is
nothing "preliminary" about it; and anyone who is running an 8.3beta
installation that is at all security-exposed would be well advised to
get onto it ASAP.

We didn't include 8.3RC1 in the security announcement because Josh
wanted to make a separate announcement for it, but from every
perspective except the PR one, it's out.

                        regards, tom lane

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