On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 11:23:13AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Magnus Hagander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 09:47:15AM +0000, Peter Childs wrote:
> >> Indeed the website still says we are on Beta 4. I did not even know RC1 was
> >> out until I saw this thread this morning.
> > RC1 isn't out. What's available on the ftp site is a preliminary version of
> > it, that should not be used.
> Eh?  On what do you base that statement?  RC1 is what it is, there is
> nothing "preliminary" about it; and anyone who is running an 8.3beta
> installation that is at all security-exposed would be well advised to
> get onto it ASAP.
> We didn't include 8.3RC1 in the security announcement because Josh
> wanted to make a separate announcement for it, but from every
> perspective except the PR one, it's out.

There has been no annonucement whatsoever. Our web site stll claims beta4
is the current version. I was under the impression that this tarball, like
all others, are considered preliminary until announced one way or another.

And I was under the impression that we *were* going to announce RC1
sometime this week. And that we just didn't want to do it at the exact same
time as we did the backbranch releases. If not then we relly need to update
the website with this information. But we don't normally release RC or beta
(or any other, for that matter) releases without telling anybody, so IMHO
it seems like a bad idea...


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