Ivan Voras wrote:

I'd like to implement some simple data logging via triggers on a small number of infrequently updated tables and I'm wondering if there are some helpful functions, plugins or idioms that would serialize a row (received for example in a AFTER INSERT trigger) into a string that I'd store in the log table. There's a limited number of field types involved: varchars, integers and booleans. I'm not looking for anything fancy, comma-separated string result will be just fine; Even better, something like a dictionary ("field_name":"field_value",...) would be nice. The reason for trying to do it this way is that I don't want to create separate log tables for every table I wish to log.

Why not create the audit tables with composite types rather than strings?

create table audit_foo_table as (who text, when timestamptz, old foo, new foo);

Or you could use an hstore (see contrib).

Or you could possibly use some of the XML support in 8.3 for serialization.

This is a usage question, so it really doesn't belong on -hackers.



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