
It looks like most of the hard yards will be in getting some form of consensus about what should be done for this TODO. I can't see a reason not to get started on the design now. If a decision is not able to be made after 4 years since the original discussion, is it worth removing the TODO or letting it sit for another 4? But to the actual issue at hand.

Andrew Dunstan attempted to summarize the original 2004 thread http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2006-10/msg01545.php;

There was some discussion a couple of years ago on the -hackers list about it, so you might like to review the archives. The consensus seemed to be that behaviour would need to be set no later than createdb time.

The options I thought of were:

1. current postgres behaviour (we need to do this for legacy reasons, of course, as well as to keep happy the legions who hate using upper case for anything)

2. strictly spec compliant (same as current behaviour, but folding to upper case for unquoted identifiers rather than lower)

3. fully case sensitive even for unquoted identifiers (not spec compliant at all, but nevertheless possibly attractive especially for people migrating from MS SQLServer, where it is an option, IIRC).

Supporting all 3 of these behaviours at initdb time is not too invasive or complicated from my initial investigation. The steps appear to be;

1. parser has to parse incoming identifiers with the correct casing changes. (currently downcase_truncate_identifier) 2. The output quoting needs to quote identifiers using the same rules as the parser. (currently quote_identifier) 3. the client needs to know what quote rules are in place. (libpq: PQfname, PQfnumber) 4. psql needs to \ commands to be taught about the fact that case can mean different things to different servers. 5. bootstrap needs to correctly case the tables and insert values when bootstrapping at initdb time. This is only really an issue for upper case folding.

Many people appear advocate a 4th option to only want the column names to be case preserved or upper cased. They expect other identifiers will behave as they do now. This doesn't really bring us any closer to the spec, it takes us away from it as Tom has suggested in the past. It also appears to increase the complexity and invasiveness of a patch. Being able to support case preservation/sensitivity for all identifiers at initdb time appears to be no extra work than supporting the upper and lower folding versions.

The discussions around having a name as supplied and a quoted version allow lots of flexibility, probably even down to the session level. However I personally am struggling to get my head around the corner cases for that approach.

If this needs to be at createdb time, I think we add at least the following complexities;

1. all relations cases must be altered when copied from the template database or quoted when copied. We have no idea what a template database might look like, all views and functions would need to be parsed to ensure they point to valid tables. 2. shared relations must be able to be accessed using different names in different databases, eg PG_DATABASE, pg_database. 3. The data in shared relations appears different to the same users in different databases. eg my unquoted username is MrRuss, in db1 (upper): MRRUSS, db2 (case sensitive): MrRuss, db3 (lower): mrruss
  My guts tells me that's going to lead to user confusion.

Dumping and restoring databases to different foldings can/will present an interesting challenge and I'm not sure how to support that. I don't even know if we want to support that officially.

I'm leaning towards initdb time, mainly because I think a patch can be produced that isn't to invasive and is much easier to review and actually get applied. I also think that adding the createdb time flags will push this task beyond my ability to write up a patch. Either way though, consensus on what implementation we actually want going forward will enable some more skilled developer to do this without the pain of having to flesh out the design.

In light of this email and the other comments Tom and Andrew have made, it's very easy to say 'too hard, we can't get agreement'. I would have thought that standards compliance would have been one good reason to push forward with at least the upper case folding ability. Both of the previous threads on this issue raised lots of questions about possible options but there never seemed to be any knocking the ideas around and getting consensus phase. I would like to at least nail down some of the requirement, if not all. I have put forward my personal opinion, but I expect that is not of significant value as there are many others with much more experience than I.


Russell Smith

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