On Fri, 28 Mar 2008, Tom Lane wrote:

While I quite agree with Greg's comments about not changing stable
release branches unnecessarily, it seems that there's another
consideration in this case.

I was just trying to set Gurjeet's expectations appropriately while taking the suggestion seriously anyway. This is one of those cases where you could argue that since there is no good way to find out what to do here, it's an operational bug serious enough to patch.

In particular I don't remember how complicated the patch to add %r was

Unfortunately it was mixed in with the archive_mode GUC and log_startpoints changes so the diff is more complicated than just that: http://repo.or.cz/w/PostgreSQL.git?a=commit;h=a14266760bd403abd38be499de1619a825e0438b

A quick glance suggests this part might only be 14 lines added to xlog.c though (the 11 lines starting with "case 'r'" and the 3 new variable definitions just above it that uses).

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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