Andrew Dunstan wrote:
Tom Lane wrote:
as having better system support for packages or modules or whatever
you want to call them; and maybe we also need some marketing-type.... the question of getting rid of contrib...
"The PostgreSQL Standard Modules".

While renaming, could we go one step further and come up with a
clear definition of what it takes for something to qualify as
a module?   In particular I think standardizing the installation
would go a long way to letting packagers automate the installation
of modules from pgfoundry.

I think it'd be especially cool if one could one-day have a command

  pg_install_module  [modulename] -d [databasename]

and it would magically get (or verify that it had) the latest
version from pgfoundry; compile it (if needed) and install it
in the specified database.

The closest analogy to what I'm thinking is the perl CPAN or ruby gems.

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