On Fri, 30 May 2008, Josh Berkus wrote:

1) Add several pieces of extra information to guc.c in the form of extra "gettext" commands: default value, subcategory, long description, recommendations, enum lists.
2) Incorporate this data into pg_settings

When you last brought this up in February (I started on a long reply to http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2008-02/msg00759.php that I never quite finished) the thing I got stuck on was how to deal with the way people tend to comment in these files as they change things.

One problem I didn't really see addressed by the improvements you're suggesting is how to handle migrating customized settings to a new version (I'm talking about 8.4->9.0 after this is in place, 8.3->8.4 is a whole different problem). It would be nice to preserve "history" of what people did like in your examples (which look exactly like what I find myself running into in the field). Now, that will get a lot easier just by virtue of having a smaller config file, but I think that adding something into pg_settings that allows saving user-added commentary would be a nice step toward some useful standardization on that side of things. It would make future automated tools aimed at parsing and generating new files, as part of things like version upgrades, a lot easier if there was a standard way such comments were handled in addition to the raw data itself.

The other thing I'd like to see make its way into pg_settings, so that tools can operate on it just by querying the database, is noting what file the setting came from so that you can track things like include file usage. I think with those two additions (comments and source file tracking) it would even be concievable to clone a working facsimile of even a complicated postgresql.conf file set remotely just by reading pg_settings.

While a bit outside of the part you're specifically aiming to improve here, if you could slip these two additions in I think it would be a boon to future writers of multi-server management tools as well.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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