On Wed, 11 Jun 2008, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

If we want to help people to sponsor features, then I think we need to deal with subjects like finding someone to undertake the development, the sponsor's relationship with the developer, methods and times of payment, etc.

The bit on the wiki is helpful for developers trying to get a new feature implemented but I think that's where its scope ends.

There seem to be occasional person wandering by here that it really doesn't help though. Periodically you'll see "I want feature $X in PostgreSQL. I'm willing to help fund it. What do I do?". In most of those that have wandered by recently, $X is a known feature any number of other people want. Good sample cases here are recent requests to help fund or implement materialized views, supporting queries on read-only slaves, and SQL window support.

I don't think these people need guidance on how to manage the project, they need some sort of way to feel comfortable saying "will pledge $Y for feature $X" in a way that makes sense on both sides.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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