Before I respond to Tom's comments, let me step back a second and add the intro the deadline didn't leave me time for. There are two specific things the bit I added to this GUC patch is aimed at:

1) Somebody has a postgresql.conf from a random source (saw it on the Internet and pasted dubious stuff in/previous person working on the server/etc.) and wants to know the default value they'd get if they just commented a specific line or lines out.

2) A GUC tuning tool author wants to provide a UI for modifying a GUC parameter that shows the default as input to the person deciding what to set a parameter to. The interface I've always wanted to make available would be...wait a minute, I can provide a working example now. Picture this:

    name     | Recommended | Current |  Min  | Default |   Max
 wal_buffers | 1024kB      | 64kB    | 32 kB | 64 kB   | 2048 MB

With your cursor lighting up either the "Recommended" or "Current" field, depending on whether you're a default approve or deny kind of tool designer. Pretty simple interface to decide what to do, right? I find that much less useful without the default value being included, but right now someone who is writing a tuning tool has to maintain their own database with that information if they want to do that. I will actually do that for earlier versions the minute I know what the 8.4 solution that makes the problem go away looks like.

The above is the output from:

select name,
  '1024kB' as "Recommended",
  current_setting(name) as "Current",
  case when unit='8kB' then pg_size_pretty(min_val::int8*8192) else
min_val end as "Min",
  case when unit='8kB' then pg_size_pretty(default_val::int8*8192) else
default_val end as "Default",
  case when unit='8kB' then pg_size_pretty(max_val::int8) else max_val end
as "Max"
  from pg_settings where name='wal_buffers';

on my system with the patch installed.

That's what I wanted but was unable to get until now. Combine that with being able to figure out what source file and line the setting was actually taken from, and the top 3 obstacles to writing a simple and easy to use read/modify/write tuning tool are all cleared.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Baltimore, MD

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