On Mon, 2008-11-03 at 12:42 -0500, Greg Smith wrote:
> On Mon, 3 Nov 2008, Hannu Krosing wrote:
> > And I'd suggest you use wxPython for GUI part if you want a relatively
> > modern look.
> wxPython is GPL licensed and not popular enough to be available on a lot 
> of systems already.

Wikipedia says thus about wxPython

Being a wrapper, wxPython uses the same free software licence used by
wxWidgets (LGPL) —which is approved by Free Software Foundation and Open
Source Initiative.

and wxWindows itself seems to be even more relaxed


wxWidgets is currently licensed under the "wxWindows Licence" pending
approval of the "wxWidgets Licence" which will be identical apart from
the name.

The wxWindows Licence is essentially the L-GPL (Library General Public
Licence), with an exception stating that derived works in binary form
may be distributed on the user's own terms. This is a solution that
satisfies those who wish to produce GPL'ed software using wxWidgets, and
also those producing proprietary software.

>   I've spent enough time fighting with installing 
> wxWidgets (for pgAdmin) to know that I really don't want to push that 
> install onto end-users, and due to the license it's impractical to just 
> bundle in some situations.

I don't think that GPL forbids bundling.

> There's no need for a fancy look here anyway, the only one I ever 
> envisioned was a simple grid showing the recommendations the user could 
> update before accepting.  In general here, if it doesn't ship with the 
> stock Python, there would have to be a really, really compelling reason to 
> use any external library that adds more dependencies.

I think that though tkInter is kind-of included wit the standard python
distribution, it is not always installed by default, or more exactly,
tcl/tk is often not installed. 

In that regard I think that using curses is safest bet.

> --
> * Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD
Hannu Krosing   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com
PostgreSQL Scalability and Availability 
   Services, Consulting and Training

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