On Nov 7, 2008, at 11:15 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

In a quick test on a Fedora box, citext is the only core or contrib test that fails in en_US. (This is true in HEAD, even without having applied
the proposed patch.)  It would be good to clean that up.

Huh. There must be something different about the collation for en_US on Fedora than there is for darwin (what I'm using), because for me, as I said, all tests pass. It's just ASCII, though, so I don't know why it would be any different.

We could fix it by having multiple variant expected files for C and
non-C locales, which is exactly what the core tests do.  However,
I'm loath to apply that approach when the citext test already has XML vs
no-XML variants; we would then need two variant files per locale
variant, which is a bit unreasonable from a maintenance standpoint.

This is why I like TAP.

My inclination is to remove the XML-dependent citext tests, which don't
seem especially useful, and then we can have whatever variants we need
for locales.  citext locale behavior seems much more interesting than
testing whether it casts to xml or not.

Agreed, but I admit to being mystified as to why things would be sorting any differently on darwin vs. Fedora. I kept everything in ASCII, on your advice, to keep from having to deal with crap like this.



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