On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 7:31 PM, Dave Page <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm in favour of including it by default (at initdb), so it's there
> for new users to play with on any fresh install ...

Could we perhaps punt on the issue of whether to install the
"sampledb" by default.  It could be controlled by a flag to initdb,

$ initdb --sample data

Whereas if you omit the flag, then initdb just does a vanilla install.
 Then we can leave it up to the distributions whether they want to
install it by default, or give the user options in their package
management systems to control this.  In Apt it could be a debconf
question, in Portage it could be a USE flag, etc.

I think it's a pretty safe bet that the "newbies" we're talking about
in this thread are going to be installing postgres via a package
management system.  If they are installing from source, they are
already reading the documentation and will have to learn about running
initdb on the command line anyway.


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