On Fri, 5 Dec 2008, Nathan Boley wrote:

- all classes ( 58, 135, 205 ) are 'old-style' classes.  I dont see
any reason to use classic classes ( unless Python 2.1 is a support
goal? )

I'm not targeting anything older then 2.4, as that's the oldest version I have installed anywhere. 2.4 is still an important target because it's the version that comes with the very popular RHEL4. I've worked on some SuSE 9 boxes that only have 2.3 as recently as last year, but I consider that a legacy version I don't care much about mainly because the kinds of programs I'm usually writing tend to rely heavily on using "subprocess", added in 2.4.

The answers to all of your other points is that I'm relatively new to Python and just didn't know any of that. I'll convert to new style classes, use __str__ properly, and switch all the getters to use properties now that you've pointed me toward those. Improving the rudimentary doc strings was already on my list, that's not a major target though because this project has its own documentation standards and I can't do anything useful with the output from pydoc. I'm only interested in documenting things about the source code itself in there, anything user-related needs to go in the official docs.

I'd be happy to officially review this if it gets to that.

Just added you to the wiki in that role. I should have a first version that's of commit candidate quality ready to go in the next week. If you could make a second pass then and see how I did implementing your suggestions, that would be great.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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