>> I've been assigned to review this patch, but I confess I'm a little
>> murky on what problem it's trying to solve. Can you explain what I
>> need to do to recreate the problem?
> In postgreSQL, Plugin modules should be installed in (Installation
> dir)lib/plugins to run properly. There is logic in src/makefiles/pgxs.mk for
> handling shared objects implemented as e.g. "Modules" variable that are
> installed in (Installation dir)/lib. There should be some way to handle
> plugins as well. We faced this issue during the integration of contrib
> module pldebugger ( http://pgfoundry.org/frs/?group_id=1000175 ) with the
> edb-postgresql code. pldebugger/Makefile handles plugins by itself,
> Unix/Linux don't mind it because it build through make. On windows, perl
> scripts are used to build the system that relies on Makefiles that uses
> pgxs.mk variables e.g "Modules" etc. It fails to build pldebugger that
> implements its own plugin build logic in its Makefile. Right now for us
> there is only one plugin module but in future there may be more.Instead of
> any workaround we come up to a better solution to handle plugins
> automatically by pgxs.mk as other shared objects are being handled on Unix
> and Windows. We added PLUGIN logic in pgxs.mk and windows perl build scripts
> so that there is no need to handle plugins separately by new contrib
> modules.

I am a bit dubious about the idea of adding supposedly generic
functionality to cater to a single client, but the bigger problem is
that even after reading this I still don't really know what I'm
supposed to be looking at.  I think you're saying that pldebugger
contains some code that could be made simpler and less easily broken
if this patch were applied.  Is that correct?  If so, please tell me
where to download the pldebugger code and which file(s) to look in for
the code that could be improved.


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