Josh Berkus <> writes:
> Stephen Frost wrote:
> It does seem weird to simply omit records rather than throw an error

> The presumption is that if you know the data exists but can't access it 
> directly, you'll use indirect methods to derive what it is.  But if you 
> don't even know it exists, then you won't look for it.

Right, which is why it's bad for something like a foreign key constraint
to expose the fact that the row does exist after all.

> There's a level above that which I don't think SEPostgres implements, 
> which is data substitution, in which you see different data according to 
> what security level you are.  While this may seem insane for a business 
> application, for military-support applications it makes some sense.

I think it might be possible to build such a thing using views, but I
agree that the patch doesn't give it to you for free.

                        regards, tom lane

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