
Something that continues to grind my teeth about our software is that we
are horribly inconsistent with our system catalogs. Now I am fully and
100% aware that changing this will break things in user land but I want
to do it anyway. In order to do that I believe we need to come up with a
very loud, extremely verbose method of communicating to people that 8.5
*will* break things. 

It seems to me that the best method would be to follow the
information_schema naming conventions as information_schema is standard
compliant (right?).



postgres=# \d pg_class
      Table "pg_catalog.pg_class"
     Column     |   Type    | Modifiers 
 relname        | name      | not null
 relnamespace   | oid       | not null

postgres=# \d pg_tables
    View "pg_catalog.pg_tables"
   Column    |  Type   | Modifiers 
 schemaname  | name    | 
 tablename   | name    | 

postgres=# \d pg_stat_user_tables
          View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_user_tables"
      Column      |           Type           | Modifiers 
 relid            | oid                      | 
 schemaname       | name                     | 
 relname          | name                     | 

postgres=# \d information_schema.tables
                       View "information_schema.tables"
            Column            |               Type                |
 table_catalog                | information_schema.sql_identifier | 
 table_schema                 | information_schema.sql_identifier | 
 table_name                   | information_schema.sql_identifier | 

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