* Marc G. Fournier <scra...@hub.org> [090526 18:00]:

>> Specifically, it's 2 tags, and I just remove them:
>>    REL7_1_BETA2
>>    REL7_1_BETA3
> So, you are suggesting:
> cvs -q tag -d REL7_1_BETA2 .
> cvs -q tag -d REL7_1_BETA3 .
> correct?

Not directly, I claim *no* knowledge of the safety of any CVS commands

But whatever you do, please, lock us our of the repository first (by us,
I mean any publc access to it, via anoncvs, rsync, mirror, anything),
notify us first, (give us at *least* day warning so we can disable any
automatic conversions), and let us know when it's done, so we can watch
the first run after any conversion carefully.


Aidan Van Dyk                                             Create like a god,
ai...@highrise.ca                                       command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/                                   work like a slave.

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