
Well the goal is to make them simpler. I don't know any language that
has implemented what you describe. Either you have access to the
internal methods of a class or you don't and you only have access to
the public api. That seems to work for much more sophisticated
languages than ours just fine.

Um, PostgreSQL isn't a programming language.  It's a DBMS.

You're arguing what DBAs should do using some theoretical idealized DBMS. You're ignoring what DBAs *do* do currently using the real world PostgreSQL. I, for one, am not interested in theory.

Organization/Maintainability: when you have hundreds or thousands of
database objects, you want "folders" to put them in just so that you can
keep track of them and view them in easy-to-digest groups, just as you deal
with files in a filesystem.

Well when you ls a directory or perform some operation on a file you
only work with what's in that directory, not everything in the

Precisely! And that's why DBAs often use lots of schema to divide up their hundreds of database objects.

I don't think that gets any easier with better tools. This is the same
reason unix systems don't put every tool in a different directory and
then insist you put every directory in your path based on which tools
each user should have access to.

What, you're telling me you never had a cron job break because of $PATH issues?

It doesn't get any ideasier if you have
every function hard coding inside it assumptions about what schemas it
will need.

When have I proposed that?

As I said before, schema conbine 3 purposes: organization, visibility and
security, into one structure.  Which is why it's difficult to make them work
perfectly for all 3 purposes.  We could, however, make them work better.

How is this different from any other analogous system? The filesystem
uses directories for all three of the above, for example?

It's very similar to issues with the filesystem. Unfortunately, while very familiar, Unix filesystems aren't really a positive example; $PATHs and UMASK are a PITA an have forced many and admin (and OS) to come up with complex tools to manage them.

Having three different namespaces, one for organizing your code, one
to control visibility, and one to control security would be 9 times
more complex, i think.

I didn't say I had a good answer to this problem. You just need to be aware of the three purposes of schema when proposing any improvements; your previous e-mails kept making the assumption that schema were used *only* for visibility, and never for security or organization.

3rd-party vendor code is precisely what I'm thinking of when I point
out that having global state to override what the code requests is a
recipe for problems. 3rd-party vendors would be left with no way to
write their code such that they could guarantee it would work -- the
DBA would always be able to break it by setting this variable. And
some other code might require this variable to be set leaving the
hapless DBA with no right option.

"You must set search_path_suffix='information_schema'" to use this tool is vastly simpler than what you'd deal with currently if you had to deal with a Microsoftian tool which assumed that information_schema was automatically in your search path.

Again, I'm looking to improve what we actually *have* right now, rather than implement some theoretically ideal database.

Well I don't mind push but I still think pop is an error. What you
really want to do is restore it to the value you started with. You
don't want to remove the last element since that may not be the
element you added. Some function you called may have added an extra
element on the head.

Yeah, "pop" is a misnomer; what I'd want is search_path_del(search_path,'admin') ... that is, a way to remove a specific schema from the list.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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