On Jul 7, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> writes:
One possibility would be to remove join_collapse_limit entirely, but
that would eliminate one possibily-useful piece of functionality that
it current enables: namely, the ability to exactly specify the join
order by setting join_collapse_limit to 1.  So one possibility would
be to rename the variable something like explicit_join_order and make
it a Boolean; another possibility would be to change the default value

As the person who put in those thresholds, I kind of prefer going over
to the boolean definition.

I'm OK with that, but out of conservatism suggested changing the default to unlimited in this release. If by chance there is something we're missing and these parameters are doing someone any good, we can suggest that they set them back to the old values rather than telling them to use a private build. If on the other hand we don't get any complaints, we can remove them with greater confidence in a future release. But maybe that's too conservative.

Now, here's another thought: if we think it's reasonable for people to want to explicitly specify the join order, a GUC isn't really the best fit, because it's all or nothing. Maybe we'd be better off dropping the GUCs entirely and adding some other bit of syntax that forces the join order, but only for that particular join.

That was the alternative that we considered;
the numeric thresholds were used instead because they were easy to
implement and seemed to possibly offer more control.  But I'm not
convinced that anyone has really used them profitably.  I agree that
the ability to use JOIN syntax to specify the join order exactly (with
join_collapse_limit=1) is the only really solid use-case anyone has
proposed for either threshold. I'm interested in Andreas' comment that he has use-cases where using the collapse_limit is better than allowing geqo to take over for very large problems ... but I think we need to see
those use-cases and see if there's a better fix.

           regards, tom lane



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