Laurent Laborde <> wrote: 
> If it works, and if you're interested, i may try to write a patch
> for 8.5.
Cool!  I can help with it if you wish.
If you haven't already done so, be sure to read this carefully:
Also, be sure you are taking into account the comments of others on
this thread.  In particular, there was feedback regarding the level at
which to apply this (hard-coded, global but configurable, or
column-specific); what feedback we had was in favor of making it
configurable by column.  If you're not comfortable with doing that
part of it, and you can get proof-of-concept benchmarks with a
hard-coded global change, that would help convince people that it is
worth adding code to support such capabilities at whatever level(s)
people agree is best.  I've worked in the parser portion before, so
that part would be familiar to me if you want help there.
Finally, you should probably consider volunteering to review a patch
or two for the next commitfest.  :-)  To ensure timely review of
submitted patches, while still allowing the reviewers some guarantee
of unencumbered time to write their own patches, there is a
development cycle which alternates between coding and reviewing.

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