
> As far as the release notes, I think we would have to have proof that
> the alpha-generated release notes are as good or close to the quality of
> the release notes using the current process.  If they are, we can use
> them for 8.6, or even for 8.5 if the quality is similar, but we can't
> know that without creating identical release notes for 8.5 and comparing
> them, to make sure the alpha process has not missed any items, etc. 

I can't speak for Robert or Peter, but for me this gives me exactly zero
incentive to bother.  If you're just going to do the same amount of work
anyway ... and potentially delay the release by just as much ... then
there's really no point on me spending my nights and weekends wrestling
with SGML formatting.  I'll leave it to you.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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