On Tue, 11 Aug 2009, Mike wrote:

Have any tool authors stepped up and committed resources to utilizing
this feature in the near term?

Even before the easier to read format was available, there were already multiple EXPLAIN analysis tools floating around, some of them web-based like you're considering; a list is at http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Using_EXPLAIN

You might expect some of those tool authors would do the appropriate overhaul to import the new format data, and perhaps make things more powerful or simple in the process. You might want to collaborate within someone writing one of those existing applications rather than start over on your own.

The reason I would like to provide this tool in a web-based form is that no additional software installation would be necessary for the user, reducing any hurdles to using it to zero.

I personally hate only having a web-based tool for this style of application, because I'm always dealing with data I can't paste into somebody else's site for EXPLAIN output--that's a common hurdle that's impossible to clear given all the regulatory and business secret restrictions people work under nowadays. Even when the source code is available for the web app, that puts you back to needing to install the tool locally, and I've found web apps tend to be more complicated to get running than a typical standalone app.

* Greg Smith gsm...@gregsmith.com http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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