On Sep 29, 2009, at 8:55 AM, Richard Huxton wrote:

For the browser, does the following match what you're after, Andrew?
- clicking chapter title opens the browser panel
- panel stays open until you click close icon
- panel contains collapsable tree of chapter/section headings
Alternatively, could just auto-open the browser panel if javascript is
enabled and window is wider than N pixels.

Why wouldn't the entire TOC be in a collapsed list?

In addition we'll presumably want to meet:
- no external js libraries (or do we care, if we just reference it from

Save yourself the hassle and just bundle jQuery. That's what I've done for Pod::Site (module that builds the Bricolage API browser).

- navigation is optional, disabling js leaves docs as at present

As long as there's a way to get the nav back from a link on each doc page.

- works on all reasonable browsers (anything not IE6)

+1 (IE6--)

- works online and in downloaded docs (except Windows .chm of course)

That'd be nice, too.



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