On mån, 2009-12-07 at 17:14 +0900, Hitoshi Harada wrote:
> 2009/12/7 Itagaki Takahiro <itagaki.takah...@oss.ntt.co.jp>:
> >
> > Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> >
> >> It was written and submitted by one person who did not bother to ask
> >> first whether anyone else thought it was worthwhile.  So its presence
> >> on the CF list should not be taken as evidence that there's consensus
> >> for it.
> >
> > Should we have "Needs Discussion" phase before "Needs Review" ?
> > Reviews, including me, think patches with needs-review status are
> > worthwhile. In contrast, contributers often register their patches
> > to CF without discussions just because of no response; they cannot
> > find whether no response is silent approval or not.
> +1. Sometimes a reviewer waits for the consensus in the community when
> someone else waits for review (, because it is marked as "Needs
> Review").

Yes, I would have had use for this myself a couple of times.

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