Robert Haas <> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 11:09 PM, Greg Smith <> wrote:
> > (1) Blocks Shared: (hit=2 read=1641 written=0) Local: (hit=0 read=0
> > written=0) Temp: (read=1443 written=1443)

> I could live with the equals signs, but the use of parentheses seems
> weird and inconsistent with normal english usage (which permits
> parentheses as a means of making parenthetical comments).  (You can
> also put an entire sentence in parentheses.)  But you can't: (do
> this).

+1 for (1) personally, if we could think it is not in English but just
a symbol. I have another idea to make it alike with ANALYZE output.

(4) Blocks (shared hit=2 read=1641 ...) (local hit=0 ...) (temp read=0 ...)

Which is the best? I think it's a matter of preference.
  (0) 109 characters - Shared Blocks: hit 2 read 1641 wrote 0, ...
  (1) 105 characters - Blocks Shared: (hit=2 ...
  (2)  96 characters - Blocks Shared:hit=2 ...
  (3)  82 characters - Blocks Shared:(hit=2 ...
  (4)  82 characters - Blocks (shared hit=2 ...

BTW, I found text is a *bad* format because it requires much discussion ;)
We have a little choice in XML, JSON and YAML formats.

Takahiro Itagaki
NTT Open Source Software Center

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