On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>>     if (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(ctx.old.pg_version) <= 803 &&
>>         GET_MAJOR_VERSION(ctx.new.pg_version) >= 804)
> Well, yeah, you can probably make it work if you're willing to carry
> enoguh version tests and alternate sets of logic in the source code.
> I don't think that is a particularly good engineering approach however.
> It makes things less readable and probably more buggy.  Particularly
> so since we are talking about some quite significant logic changes here.
> There's a reason to clutter, eg, pg_dump with multiple version support.
> I don't see the argument for doing so with pg_migrator.  Separate source
> code branches seem like a much better idea.

I guess we have to look at the specific cases that come up, but ISTM
that a branch here amounts to a second copy of the code that has to be
separately maintained.  I'm having a hard time working up much
enthusiasm for that prospect.


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