On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 5:10 AM, Takahiro Itagaki
<itagaki.takah...@oss.ntt.co.jp> wrote:
> Andreas Joseph Krogh <andr...@officenet.no> wrote:
>> ERROR: null value in column "created" violates not-null constraint
> It is easy to add the table name to the message, but ...
>> ERROR: null value in column "public"."mytable"."created" violates not-null 
>> constraint
>> Oracle does this btw...
> Do we have any guideline about the message for identifier names? We've
> already had serveral "table.column" messages, but "schema.table.column"
> might be preferred if there are tables with the same name in different
> schema. In addition, separated quotes ("schema"."table"."column") are
> more SQL-ish than single outer quotes. Which should we use?

I feel like we ought to be doing this in a way where the output is
properly escaped.  Right now:

test=# create table dork ("""" integer not null);
test=# insert into dork values (null);
ERROR:  null value in column """ violates not-null constraint



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