(2010/01/25 4:01), Bernd Helmle wrote:
> --On 24. Januar 2010 19:45:33 +0100 Bernd Helmle <maili...@oopsware.de> 
> wrote:
>> I don't see where this should be related to the number of tables not
>> part of the inheritance tree (or inheritance at all).
> To answer that myself: it seems get_attname() introduces the overhead 
> here (forgot about that). Creating additional 16384 tables without any 
> connection to the inheritance increases the times on my Phenom-II Box to 
> round about 2 seconds:
> Current -HEAD
> bernd=# ALTER TABLE a1 RENAME COLUMN acol1 TO xyz;
> Time: 409,045 ms
> With KaiGai's recent patch:
> bernd=# ALTER TABLE a1 RENAME COLUMN acol1 TO xyz;
> Time: 2402,306 ms


Bernd, could you try same test with previous patch?

It computes an expected inhcount during find_all_inheritors(), and
compares it with the target pg_attribute entry?

I'll also try to measure performance in three cases by myself.
Please wait for a while...

OSS Platform Development Division, NEC
KaiGai Kohei <kai...@ak.jp.nec.com>

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