On 12/02/10 15:37, Fujii Masao wrote:
On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 12:28 AM, Robert Haas<robertmh...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Well, let's come up with something else then.

continuous_recovery ?

One problem with the otherwise entirely wonderful HS/SR pairing is the whole business of the config parameters. They feel too bottom-up. Individually, each one makes sense but if you look at them on a page they don't say master/slave replication to me.

What about something like:

# Primary
archive_mode             = producer
archive_producer_command = 'cp "%p" .../"%f"'
max_consumers            = 5

# Standby
archive_mode = producer, consumer
archive_producer_command = 'cp "%p" .../"%f"'
archive_consumer_command = 'cp "%p" .../"%f"'
consume_from             = 'host=... user=...'

Three other points that struck me:
1. Why have a separate recovery.conf file rather than just put the commands inline? We can use the include directive to have them in a separate file if required. 2. Why have a finish.replication file, rather than "SELECT pg_finish_replication()"?

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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